Install DirectAdmin on Cent OS VPS ( Easy Steps )


In this article, we are able to display you how to install DirectAdmin on CentOS VPS server.


Steps to install DirectAdmin on CentOS VPS server

Login on your server

Through SSH or KVM, via root. if you don’t have one buy from

Disable SELinux

setenforce 0
sed -i ‘s/enforcing/disabled/g’ /etc/selinux/config

Install all the prerequisite packages

Run the following command to install all the prerequisite packages for the Direct Admin control panel;

yum install wget gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel gd zlib-devel zip unzip libcap-devel cronie bzip2 cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed autoconf automake libtool which patch mailx bzip2-devel lsof psmisc net-tools systemd-devel libdb-devel perl-DBI xfsprogs rsyslog logrotate crontabs -y

Download the install script

  • Follow the steps from the wizard, selecting on the default options, it’ll ask if we wish to put in the prerequisite packages, answer yes but they must already all be set up via the command above.
  • install the license, by getting the information from the DirectAdmin website control panel, below are the instance info that we’re using;

Please enter your Client ID: 55933
Please enter your License ID: 167427
Please enter your hostname (

It must be an active Domain Name

Do not use a domain you plan on using for the hostname:
(don’t use Use subdomain instead.)

Do not enter http:// or www

Enter your hostname (FQDN):  (Enter yours, not this one)

Please enter your Client ID: 55933
Please enter your License ID: 167427
Please enter your hostname (

Is this correct? (y,n) : y

Is eth0 your network adapter with the license IP ( (y,n) : y

Your external IP:

Is the IP in your license? (y,n) : y
DirectAdmin will now be installed on Enterprise 7.2
Is this correct? (must match license) (y,n) : y

From this factor you may be asked an in addition series of questions, you could generally select yes to all of these questions for a “base” set up with the default versions that DirectAdmin recommended.

8. When the installation completes you will see the following output and will be able to login to the control panel.

http:// (Use your own Server IP, not this one) and enter your Admin username and password when prompted.

Hurry!! Your Control Panel is Installed


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