WordPress Guide: WordPress installation in cPanel using Softaculous (just in 5 mins)

What is WordPress

WordPress is most popular free and open source Content Management System to create websites and blogs. In simple words, WordPress is a web software to create websites quickly and easily.

Further Read: 35+ Type Of Websites You Can Create With WordPress

Everything from simple websites to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications are built with WordPress. WordPress is used by 58.6% of all the websites whose content management system is known. This is 24.9% of all websites.

WordPress started in 2003, It was first released on May 27, 2003, by founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as a fork of b2/cafelog.. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging and publishing tool in the world, used on millions of websites/blogs and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

What is Softaculous

Softaculous is an autoinstaller which is very powerful compared to other autoinstallers.

Suppose you want to host a wordpress blog, for that you need to know the commands to install and configure it on your webserver.

Now if you use Softaculous, you can simply install WordPress by using Softaculous GUI.

You can even update application when new version is available or backup and import an existing installation.

Softaculous offers more than 400 scripts like WordPress, joomla, moodle, whmcs etc

Users can install/import/backup/update scripts through powerfull Gui.

Softaculous offers support for free. If you are facing any issues then you can create support ticket for free and get it resolved by their technical staff.

Further Reading

  1. cPanel Guide: A to Z Tutorial of cPanel with Examples

  2. Map Host To Domain With These Easy Steps With Concept Of Nameservers

  3. Concept Of Web Hosting – A Beginners Guider

Install WordPress in cPanel using Softaculous

To install wordpress in cpanel using softaculous first you have to login in your cPanel

Click on softaculous at the bottom of your cpanel client area, you will get many scripts like wordpress, whmcs and many more

Select WordPress

softaculous-wordpress in cpanel

Click on install button



Software Setup

Choose protocol for your blog , you have following options
  1. https://
  2. https://www
  3. http://
  4. http://www
Choose the domain on which you want to install wordpress

eg. cheaphostlelo.com

Choose Directory path for your blog

Directory path means the path in which you want to install wordpress

Suppose if you give path wp the your wordpress will be installed on path https:// or whatever protocol you have select cheaphostlelo.com/wp.

if you give empty path in Directory path the wordpress will be install on main domain cheaphostlelo.com.


Site Settings

Enter Site Name

E.g My Blog

Site name will be the name of your blog

Enter Site Description

Site Description tells user about your blog

E.g My WordPress Blog

Enable Multisite (WPMU)

This feature will Enable Multi-site option for your WordPress blog. After enabling this option you are able to create networks of blog.

Mean you will have one parent blog and network of child blogs. But parent admin will have access to change everything like themes and plugins.

Until you have requirement then only enable it ,unless ignore this option


Admin Account

Enter Admin Username

E.g admin

Enter Admin Password

E.g pass

Enter Admin Email

E.g admin@cheaphostlelo.com

All above fields are used for  wordpress admin login.


Choose Language

Select Language

Your blog will come up with the language you will select overhere


Select Plugin(s)

Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer)

This Plugin Protect your site against bruteforce attacks by limiting the number of login attempts for your WordPress installation.
If selected Loginizer plugin will be installed and activated with your installation

I will recommend you to enable this feature


Advanced Options

Suggestions: Leave all values in advanced options default until unless you have custom requirement

Enter Database Name

This will be the name of your wordpress database.

Enter Table Prefix

All the database table name will be prefixed by this name e.g wp_

Disable Update Notifications Checkbox

If checked you will not receive an email notification for updates available for this installation.

Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins Checkbox

If checked, all the active WordPress plugins installed for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded.

Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes Checkbox

If checked, the active WordPress theme for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded.

Backup Location

Will be the location of your wordpress backup

Automated backups

Softaculous will take automated backups via CRON as per the frequency you select

Backup Rotation

If the backup rotation limit is reached Softaculous will delete the oldest backup for this installation and create a new backup. The backups will utilize your space so choose the backup rotation as per the space available on your server


Select Theme

Select theme which you want to appear when your wordpress is installed

Email installation details

This will be email where all the details related to wordpress installation and update will be sent

Click on install button


After that you will get wordpress installation process screen this will take 3-4 mins to complete installation of wordpress


After completion of wordpress installation you will get url of your blog and url of admin panel


Now your wordpress is ready. Go to admin panel and do necessary setting.

In next post we will discuss about how to setup wordpress

Feel free to comment any issue you are facing at the time of wordpress installation.

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